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Human Behavior

Because an event happened more recently, our brain will overestimate its relevancy, and in turn, deem it to be more significant. That’s because, to make decisions, our brains rely on what comes to mind quickly. In this episode of Catalytic Results, Hamid Ghanadan breaks down the influential power of the availability heuristic.

Human Behavior

In the next episode of Catalytic Results, Founder Hamid Ghanadan demonstrates how marketers can always get an idea of how their audience will act, or how they will make a decision, or what they will buy? It’s how people have acted before.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.