Expert Network

LINUS + GE Healthcare Life Sciences
Preserving an Art Form


There’s a perception in Western Blotting that issues with reproducibility and accuracy are unavoidable. That’s why when LINUS was tasked with positioning a new instrument that moved the Western Blotting workflow from lab bench to singular instrument, we were prepared for a challenge. How would we address a workflow so deeply entrenched in negative associations?


The natural next step was to talk to the scientists behind it. Research participants like you helped us understand that for those performing Western Blots, it’s one of the few remaining chances to have physical contact with the science itself. It’s an opportunity to master an art form, to painstakingly learn and teach others how to be successful. It’s about scientists taking control of their science. 


Inspired by the conversations with our research participants, our client was able to recognize the craftsmanship of Western Blotting. Instead of allowing their instrument to compete with the craft, they could now see that the instrument’s value came from standardizing manual, unimportant processes. That way, scientists could focus on the artistry of their Western Blots. 


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New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.