Gen Z + The Future Of Health — Three Things Marketers Need To Know

There are 74 million Gen Zers in the United States. That’s 74 million new people entering our workforce, shaping purchasing decisions and changing laws.

But what we really don’t know yet? Their take on health and healthcare — and they’re about to make a big impact on the future of health. Are marketers ready?

In his latest article for Forbes, Founder Hamid Ghanadan explores three major themes marketers need to know to begin to understand how Gen Z makes decisions, their truths, and their motives.

Read the full article here.


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Whether it’s decisions made by scientists, doctors, patients, or consumers. By understanding how decisions are made, we uncover the key drivers and develop strategies for positively influencing them.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.