Audio Recording: Gen Z is the Future of Health — How to Be Relevant and Design for This Generation

A lot has changed in a year, but one thing hasn’t. Gen Z is still signaling the way we do, see, and talk about health — a position that is only fueled by a global pandemic.

For the last few years, we at LINUS have turned to this generation as key signalers of what the future of health will look like. In December 2019, we published our initial report on this generation and discovered that health is a part of everything they do. In March 2021, we followed up to see how their views may have changed during a pandemic. While our latest report is packed with fresh insights, one theme remained true: Gen Z is the future of health.

Listen to our report read out from President Kristin Apple and CEO Hamid Ghanadan below.


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Whether it’s decisions made by scientists, doctors, patients, or consumers. By understanding how decisions are made, we uncover the key drivers and develop strategies for positively influencing them.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.

New Report: More than 100 scientists share how NIH’s recent announcement is impacting research budgets.